The benefits of drinking beer in moderation
The beer is brewed from the malt, rice, hops, yeast
and water. Its main characteristics are
low alcohol content. It contains relatively sugars, vitamins, amino acids, potassium,
calcium, magnesium and other nutrients. Drinking beer in moderation is benefits
for the health.
Beer has high
water content, it could quench thirsty;in the meanwhile,the organic acids contained in the beer is dew and
could refresh oneself. On the one hand, it could reduce the excess the
excitement and tension, promote muscle relaxation; on the other hand, it could
stimulate of nerve, promote digestion. In addition to this, it could increase the
brain blood supply, expansion of coronary artery with beer of low content of
sodium, alcohol, nucleic acid. And by providing the stimulation to the kidney
blood and accelebrate the body’s metabolic activity. Also the beer could
prevent the disease. According to the California medical center test that
drinking beer in moderation and wine could reduce the risk of heart disease,
ulcer disease and prevent high blood pressure and other diseases.
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