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What raw materials are needed for beer brewing?


Beer needs four main ingredients: water, malt, wine and yeast. The quality of these raw materials determines the quality of the beer produced. Understanding the characteristics of these four raw materials and their influence on the process is the premise of processing and treatment, only in this way can the process control be carried out.

Malt: the main raw material of beer brewing. The use of barley is because it has a higher starch content, while the wheat bran is threshed from the barley until it is processed into malt, still attached to the malt, and a necessary filter layer can be formed in the subsequent production process. Before the brewing process of the beer factory, the barley must first be converted to barley malt.

Hops: the bitter taste of the beer and the flavor of the beer. The quality of the beer is largely dependent on the quality of the hop.

Water: water is the most used raw material for brewing beer. Brewing water affects the characteristics and quality of beer through the production process. In addition, many processes in malt and brewery also have strict requirements for water quality.

Yeast: Alcohol fermentation in beer is carried out through the action of yeast, so beer brewing must need yeast. The metabolic by-products of yeast also have great influence on beer quality.


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